

Sterling Zan was born and raised in Central Texas being a 6th generation rancher for the Hay family ranch.  Her family is heavily involved in agriculture through their cow/ calf business, seasonal stocker cattle and crop production.  Growing up Sterling and her brother Zane Hay became involved in showing cattle through 4-H and FFA.  This is when her family started raising purebred Maine- Anjou, Hereford and Angus cattle.  Through her families showing career they took home many national, state and local championships.  Today the family focuses their purebred operation on the Angus and Hereford genetics. 

With involvement in the breeds Sterling was an active member of the Texas Angus Association, Texas Maine- Anjou Association, Texas Junior Livestock Association and many other junior livestock affiliates.  Through her adult life Sterling has continued to be actively involved in many of these youth organizations through her children Stockton and Clancy. 

Besides having a passion for real estate Sterling’s first love was cosmetology.  Helping others feel beautiful through her talents is one of the many joys in Sterling’s life.  This passion for helping others shows through to her real estate career.  Being an agriculture activist she enjoys helping others find their perfect piece of ground.  Whether it is your first time purchasing or if it is another notch in the belt Sterling enjoys working with all of her clients.

When not working Sterling enjoys spending time on her family's ranch outside of Bremond, TX with her husband Casey, and their two children Stockton and Clancy.  Whether it's feeding cattle, hunting, or just enjoying the outdoors, spending time with her family is of the utmost importance.